Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I haven't blogged for a couple years now but I would like to share an experience that happened to our family yesterday.  Our family decided to go to Oak City Canyon for family home evening.  We had a night planned of four wheeling, visiting and enjoying a yummy dinner.  As soon as we got up to the canyon it was beautiful and everyone was so excited.  The kids immediately started to go for rides on our four wheeler.  Davy had just started a fire and we just started to eat dinner.  Brett and Payton had gone for a little four wheeler ride.  It had been awhile since they had been gone.  All of the sudden Davy said I think I hear a baby crying.  Sure enough I saw Brett carrying our little baby Payton.  I immediately ran towards them and grabbed our baby.  He was crying and immediately I could tell that he was hurting.  Brett and him had got in a bad four wheeler accident and they had to walk a 1/2 mile down the road.  Payton had road rash all over him.  I was to say the least hysterical and then all of the sudden Davy noticed his head which was swollen in the back and had a big spot where there was absolutely no hair left on his head and he was bleeding.  He was also bleeding out of his nose.  We immediately told all family members to get into the car and we were headed to the emergency room. 
On the way down as we were all crying everyone in the car was saying their prayers out loud.  We new he needed all of the prayers he could get.  Davy called 911 and informed him that we were headed off of the mountain and for the emergency room to be prepared.  That was the longest ride ever.  I held Payton in my arms and tried all I could to keep him awake.  His eyes were dilated and he wanted to go to sleep.  Davy drove like a true nascar driver.  We arrived to the emergency room where my parents met us and were able to take care of our other kids and went back up to the mountain to retrieve our four wheeler. 
Before my dad left he helped Davy give Payton a beautiful blessing.  I am so thankful for the Priesthood.  The next 6 hours were so long.  They did every test possible.  It was so awful to put a little baby through them.  They took blood samples, urine samples and did several x-rays.  The most important procedure was the cat scan but in order to have that done he had to go to sleep.  He was miserable and did not want to sleep.  They had to give him oral anestegialist to put him to sleep.  Well Payton is one tough kid because all that did for him is make him silly.  He was giving out kisses left and right and laughing.  The doctors and nurses couldn't believe that it didn't knock him out.  So after 40 minutes of waiting for him to sleep without any luck they ended up giving him medicine in his iv.  Within 2 minutes he was asleep.  That was hard seeing him like that but we were glad that he could get the cat scan. 
The results came back and his head was swollen but there was no bleeding.  We felt that heavenly father was definitely watching over our baby.  The Doctor told us that he couldn't believe that he didn't break his neck and reminded us of how this was a miracle that he was alive.  We were feeling hopeful but then the doctor told us that his white blood count was too high and also his blood levels were way to high.  The doctor believed that his body was possibly bleeding internally or one of his organs were not working properly.  Davy and I were heart broken to think of our little perfect boy having to deal with any problems.  The doctor admitted Payton to the hospital and wanted him monitored throughout the night.  He also wanted to check his blood levels in the morning to make sure the levels had gone done.  We asked Payton about the ride and he would say ouch, Brett, ride.  He was also so worried about his brother Brett.  All of the Doctors were amazed of how smart Payton was and how could he talked.  Which was all a good sign for his recovery.
Payton was in a lot of pain.  He had a fractured spleen and also a very bruised hip. He has a big bump on his hip that is holding in blood.  The doctor said that this will go away in time but will hurt for awhile.  He also has a very bad cacusion.  His body has road rash all over.  He woke up several times throughout the night sawing ouch and pointing to his head.  He was miserable.   They did blood work in the morning and we were so happy when the Doctor came in and said it was a miracle but the blood levels all looked great. 
We decided to let Payton sleep for awhile before we took him home.  I went to my moms to get Brett.  My mom mentioned the night before that Brett might have broken his hand.  The Doctor was willing to see Brett.  Sure enough Brett broke his left hand. 
Throughout the night Davy and I had so many mixed emotions.  We were frustrated with Brett and that he didn't follow our rules regarding riding the four wheeler.  We were so worried about our little baby and that we could loose him so easy.  We prayed and prayed.  Heavenly Father saved our little boy along with the faith of our little family. We feel so grateful that both of our little boys are with us today.  Life is so easy to take for granted.  You never know what will happen in a moment and can change your life forever.  Payton was so excited to see Brett.  They love each other so much and Brett realizes now how important it is to be safe and how precious life is.  We are going to celebrate tonight with a big chocolate pie that we are able to be together on this earth with our family and our boys are safe. 

Monday, November 15, 2010


I never belived in having animals inside my house but I would have to say that I have several monkeys that live with me. Look at the pictures and you will be able too see Dally the Monkey and her sidekick Bronco. By the way they perform these amazing acts all day long.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Family Night

My aunt Trisha was coming into town and offered to watch Grandma while we went out on the town. We had so much fun! We first went to Jack and Jill Bowling Alley. Bronco and Dally shared a lane and Brett and Maysa shared a lane. Bronco and Dally worked the best together because one would through a ball and then the next would. They all did great! Then it was off to Toysrus. I know that I was crazy to take them there but I wanted to see what they wanted for Christmas. Brono wants it all and of course his brother Brett wants all of the expensive stuff. We decided since they were having a great sale on games that we would pick up some of the classics and take them home and play. We got monopoly, break the ice, memory, guess who, chutes and ladders and candy lane. We totally scored and bought all of this for 16.00. We are awesome. Then we headed over to Chuck-a-rama for some yummy food. I was so proud of my kids because they were all sharing and helping each other. Brett even offered Maysa his jacket when she was cold. What a nice quy. Thanks aunt Trisha for letting us go out on the town. I love my kids.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our kids play so hard and when they decide to go to sleep they seem to find the most unusual places to sleep. So that is why I run for my camera and hope they don't wake up unitl I can get a good snap.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our Little Tough Cowboy

Our little buckaroo is always falling and landing on his head. He is one tough cowboy in that he does not cry much when he falls. Two weeks ago we took him to the Doctors to get stitches because he fell off of the parked four wheeler. Then last night he was pushing a dump truck on our porch and totally hit hard onto the concrete. There is definately a reason we named him Bronco.